What’s Holding You Back?

Is your confidence holding you back from achieving what you want to in your business?

Often we need some help with empowerment even if we know deep down that we’re capable it’s such a smoother path when we have others to support, nurture and empower us. Often it’s enough to be in a community of like-minded people to feel motivated with moving forward. There can be many influences in our life that don’t always want us to surge ahead.

It can be really frustrating when you feel paralysed to move forwards in both your business and your personal life, when you know deep down that you have so many ideas and that you could carry them through… if only you had a bit more confidence. Self-belief can be the killer of many dreams!

Change is always scary whether it’s moving to a new home, a new job, leaving a situation to be on your own or putting your creativity out into the world, it’s a risk and it needs a big leap of faith. Have you been close enough to take that leap and felt the discomfort? Have you felt it would be easier to stay exactly where you are?

Mahatma Ghandi says:

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”


Oftentimes it helps to ‘fake it before we make it’ and to me this translates as your belief being more than half of the challenge. There is plenty of practical help available to us to learn about creating our niche, creating our website, marketing our business etc. These are all things we can learn and confidence and self- belief is part of the equation.

Think about what’s really holding you back today? Is your inner critic a little guilty of keeping you stuck?

How to be more confident – Stand Up, Stand Out Confidence Acceleration Event
20/21 February 2016, London

Stand Up Stand Out

Join Jo Wilson, Andy Coley and Janey Lee Grace for 2 days to improve your confidence and self- esteem & gain the level of assertiveness you need to put yourself first, get noticed or achieve the results you deserve in your career, business & personal life.

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