Why We Do What We Do!

‘Over the years I have worked with so many therapists and coaches who have ‘money issues’ they find it hard to charge the right price for the amazing work they do and when they really acknowledge it, there are often deep rooted limiting beliefs around money. I’ve definitely been guilty of it, happily spending money on my kids but even if I have enough, eschewing any little treats for myself. You will have come across the ‘I can make you a millionaire’ type programmes online, I suggest they can’t and you shouldn’t buy in! Liz Hancock is different, she has been there, done it, got the T shirt, she is authentic and is encouraging you as a holistic expert to change your mindset. She has created the 50k formula programme – far more realistic, to get you fired up to earning 50 and beyond in 12 months
Check out Liz’ blog and the programme.’ Janey

Therapists, coaches, practitioners – why do we do what we do?

Because we LOVE it! It makes us feel great knowing we are helping and having an impact on others – life changing and even life saving results in many cases.

We wish we could reach more people and have a greater impact – not for the glory or recognition, just because we love to help and serve people. It makes us re-examine what’s important in life. We can shun the material and money driven excesses we are surrounded by and feel like we’ve achieved true enlightenment and peace – because we’ve done that for ourselves and so many of the people we’ve helped!

It’s a euphoric place to be! But when you add back in money worries, real concerns over paying the bills, getting by without scrimping and saving, not being able to invest in the next course to add the next string to our bow, not being able to buy new clothes if we want to, not just because we really, really need to! It can be exhausting, scary and downright miserable. It takes us out of that euphoric place almost as soon as our last client has said goodbye.

Yes marketing can help – but that can be expensive, and we’ve all heard about these ‘coaches’ that can get you to £10k months and £100k years within 6 months. If we dare to dream and trust in them, we’re more often than not left sorely disappointed at them and then made to feel it’s our own fault – because we didn’t take the action or ‘follow the coaching.’ Either that or we don’t even try because it just seems so far out of reach, so unrealistic.

But what if there was a way to calm all the noise. To shut off the sound of the bills landing heavily through your letter box, to silence the screams of ‘I just haven’t got the money, when will I EVER have the money?’

I believe there is, because this is what I’ve managed to do firstly for myself, then for so many of my clients. I’ve called my new Money Mindset programme, ‘The £50k Mindset Mentoring Programme’ because I’m so fed up of hearing the stories of so many therapists, practitioners and heart-centred coaches get burnt and waste money on those £100k programmes! Truth is, £50k can be a life changing income level – it can allow you to give up your day job, be independent, pay the bills and just enjoy life a bit – a lot MORE than you do currently. The other truth is, with a little guidance and help, it can easily feel doable and possible. Get yourself into that place of possibility and you’re half way there. But HOW do you do that?! I have 12 core processes I take my clients through, each carefully designed to address the multiple aspects of how we think about money, success, failure and how deserving you are of a decent income doing what you love.

I can honestly say, hand on heart – the impact of doing this work has saved me from a lifetime of paranoia, doubt, limitation and self sabotage. Always having to do things the ‘hard way.’ Never staying in that magical place of ‘ease and flow.’ But it IS possible – if I’ve done it anyone can. I used to think of myself as broken. Now I know I am mended! And it’s my mission to mend a whole load more of people.

‘The £50k Mindset Mentoring Programme’