To resolve or not to resolve, the experts share their tips

Its a debate that’s raged for years, should we make resolutions for new year or go with the flow?  In years gone by I have exhausted myself trying to stick to my resolves which are usually thoroughly unrealistic so I am very much in the camp of NOT making resolutions of the ‘I resolve to lose weight’ ‘I will go to the gym daily’ kind…because I almost certainly won’t…(well I hope I might drop a bit of weight but resolving to go on a diet is unlikely to achieve that)

Having said that though I do think its good to take some time for reflection at the end of a year.  I’ve borrowed the idea from the lovely Jo De Rosa founder of Quantum Sobriety and Inner Guidance retreats, to choose a word for the year, Jo says it acts as a kind of gatekeeper for all that you focus on, people on my Media Hub facebook group have been toying with ideas such as Abundance, Focus, Authentic, Accomplish, space, Spectacular.  In The Sober Club, the membership community I run, words such as Connection, Joy, Happiness have popped up.

jo de rosa close up

Jo by the way is queen of ‘resetting’ and empowering yourself to be your best self, check out the incredible retreats at Inner Guidance including the one I am hosting at the end of Jan and in May 8-10th Sobriety Rocks

I also like the idea of setting intentions or goals, and making a commitment , being clear on what you want is far more productive than making a ‘resolution’ which tends to be merely berating yourself for what you haven’t done well the year before.  I love creating vision boards to literally see what I would like to manifest, and create some affirmations that will work for the year ahead.

I intend to reflect on the year just gone and practice gratitude, even for the bits that weren’t so good,  hopefully I can find the learning in there somewhere….and I will definitely create that vision board.  I am going to set definite diary dates for self-care, for me that means going to walk by the sea, so as I don’t live near it, that’s going to mean a trip, minimum monthly even if its a quick train ride to Brighton to blast away the cobwebs walking along the sea front!

I asked some of the changemakers and colleagues I have been working with this year to give us their thoughts on setting intentions for the New Year ….

Often our thoughts do turn to doing something about our weight or fitness levels,

Nutritional therapist and fitness expert Louise Mercieca says.

If top of the list for many people at new year  is to lose weight or eat healthier, people can be unrealistic and set themselves up for failure!  Drastic changes rarely work in the longer term, so it is best to be gentle on yourself!   How should you really set achievable goals and not be like the estimated 90% that fail with resolutions?

Don’t banish everything in the first week of January.  Instead gradually make changes, this way you won’t notice them as much and are more likely to stick with them

Make a plan but make it for the whole year – something relevant to you and your schedule.

Involve friends and family in goals and plans so you don’t feel isolated.

Set realistic goals in small steps and allow yourself one indulgence a month so that you don’t feel you are depriving yourself, this way you are less likely to give up completely

Drink more water, it’s amazing how many people are dehydrated and yet this actually will make you less efficient at metabolising fat!  Start with day with hot water and lemon.

Look after your gut health, when this works you will manage your weight more effectively include both pre and probiotics in your diet.

Move more but within your own capabilities.

Don’t compare yourself to others especially those you only see on a screen or magazine cover.

Stay calm! Cortisol (stress hormone) increases abdominal fat storage so please don’t create more stress with your New Year’s Resolutions!

Sleep – never underestimate the healing powers of sleep. Lack of sleep also affects your hunger hormone Ghrelin; That leads to poor sleep = increased appetite.

Louise Mercieca is a Nutritional Therapist and author of the award-winning How Food Shapes Your Child nutritional cook book.


Love Yourself 

Its something I talk about a lot, and have only found possible in recent months, but its a great idea to start with ‘body positivity’

Carolyn Bointon doesn’t class herself an ‘expert’ in positivity but she has a lovely idea, Carolyn says..

I’ve learned that over people’s emotions impact on me so I strive to make friends appreciate the good in themselves, whether its a compliment on their hair or clothes or a simple ‘wow you handled that well’ I find surrounding myself with people who feel good  about themselves makes me feel good too! So not entirely altruistic but a good resolution and one that I can keep!

If you’re looking for more fulfillment  in 2020 here’s a comment from Nadine Searle

‘Follow your heart and listen to what it is telling you.
Give yourself the gift of some calming connection meditation everyday. It needn’t take up much of your time but it will be a valuable habit to cultivate in 2019. Spend time in nature if you can or establish a delightful ‘me time’ space……tune into the rhythm of your breath and use the Mindfulness practice of gentle questioning. Ask your heart “What do you need?” ” What direction you might take?” “what do you really want to do?”, “How best you might serve the universe or just serve yourself?”…….resist the temptation to answer these questions, instead just continue to listen to what comes up.
We have all the answers we need within ourselves if we only just listen. This practice will lead you to a happy, healthier you in 2019′.
Nadine……Transformation through Relaxation……

Ever heard of The Wheel of Life?  Leah Dixon writes..

There are 3 steps to successfully reaching your goals and one of them is more important than you think:
1.The Wheel of Life is a coaching tool that emcourages you to look at your life in 8 parts. You choose these, but generally areas such as career, health, relationships, hobbies, finances, personal development, spirituality and social life are good examples. Look at your life and review where you are at and decide on your most important priorities. Rate each area from 0-10 and get a clear picture on what needs to be worked on and how urgently. Once you have decided on your most pressing goal (consider anything under 5) that needs urgent attention, the next step is visualising the future outcome.
2.This is the fun part, it is also the one many people overlook. Its not enough to say ‘I want to be a size 10’ and put a photo of yourself 20 years ago on the fridge. That’s the past. Allow yourself to dream of the future you who has realised your goal already. This can be done in meditation, before bed or on waking, when our brains are more receptive. So imagine what would reaching your goal feel like? Engage all of your senses in this dream. How confident would you feel walking down the beach in your bikini at your ideal weight? How desirable would you be as you feel the sun on your toned skin? Notice how strong and flexible your body feels swimming in the sea. What would you say to yourself? What clothes would you be wearing for an evening out? What compliments would people give you? Your subconcious cannot tell a dream from reality. Engaging in this visualisation everyday will mean your body has to catch up with this new future version of you. It will also make any changes more enjoyable as you relish in the achievements your future self has already made.
3. The how is the final stage that people usually go straight to. Yes researching and planning is important but don’t skip step 2. Break down your big goal into manageable chunks. Find out who has already succeeded doing what you want to do. There’ll be a book, an app, a blog or a workshop that tells you how others have done it. Use their knowledge to achieve results. Adapt it to suit you. Modelling is a great technique to achieve success. If you want to be more confident find someone you admire and copy their body language. Babies learn to walk by modelling those around them. Its the easiest way to learn and adapt. No need to reinvent the wheel. If there’s already a tried and tested method then use it. Just be sure to commit the time and energy where its needed. If you’re not a morning person then don’t plan to go to the gym before work. Reaching your goals isn’t a punishment so don’t make it one.You’ll find once you’ve got your vision the universe will line up to place people and resources in your path to help you with the how. Aligning your current self with the vision of your future self will create your new reality. So if you’ve tried writing down your resolutions and then skipping straight to the planning stage back up and immerse yourself in visualising your new future where your dreams are already a reality.

To Conclude..

So at the start of a new year take some time to reflect on the one just gone, ask yourself what you want for the coming year and tune in to how you might go about making that happen.  If there is something you have been putting off, something you know has to be addressed there’s no better time than harnessing the energy of a new year.  Treat yourself to a new journal and scribble away, read my blog posts on writing being the best therapy, it might change your life!

You’ve heard me say it many times before…If there is something you want to achieve, whether is a new business, a charity, the book you always wanted to write, the relationship you know you deserve, you will need to visualise it, imagine it and then take action and above all remember

You Don’t have to get it right…you DO have to get it going’

I wish you a wonderful blissful abundant and joyful …and healthy New Year and of course becasue of the work I am now doing, I wish you a sober one too!

Check out my work with The Sober Club

Great to work with you in 2019 Happy Christmas!

We have had a fabulous year and it’s been so great to work with you in 2019!
A highlight was of course our 2019 Platinum Awards – congratulations to all our winners – we created some amazing media attention across many platforms, including with My Green Pod, our media partner, and Hello Love, which hosted the awards –
We are delighted to announce our 2020 platinum Awards will be starting from March 2020!
I started The Sober Club, my new project and am proud to have built a thriving online community, a place to connect, share without judgement, and discover sober tools and tips. My TEDx talk was also another great experience.  Te Podcast Alcohol Free Life has had over 240k downloads  and we are gathering an audience who are increasingly interested in all aspects of health wellbeing and spirituality so there is definitely scope for some collaborations!
I loved working with all of you who are members of my Media Hub on building your brand and creating much deserved exposure for your businesses, and it was great to meet you at the many events I attended during the year including NOPE 2019
Merry Christmas and we look forward to our collaborations in 2020!

The Sober Club is OPEN!



Sober Curious? Ditched the booze a while ago?

Do you now want to focus on health wellbeing and positivity?

Have you found yourself saying…”I will only have one drink”…but then you finish the bottle!

Maybe you’ve stopped drinking but are still feeling unhealthy, overweight or out of sorts….or you’ve woken up at 3am berating yourself for drinking too much?

The Opposite of Addiction is Connection

My new project is The Sober Club online community. Despite talking about holistic health on BBC Radio 2, writing five books including the number One Amazon bestseller ‘Imperfectly Natural Woman’ and running, there was one missing piece of the ‘holistic health’ jigsaw for me and that was ditching the booze.

I now encourage people to ask themselves not “Am I drinking too much?” but rather “Would my life be better physically and emotionally without alcohol?” I take a very positive approach and want the focus to be on health and wellbeing, passion and purpose.

In The Sober Club you can connect with others and have open conversations without any judgement. You can learn therapeutic techniques such as EFT (emotional freedom technique), get inspiration and support to make lifestyle changes and discover sober tools and tips.

Come along and learn how to set healthy boundaries around relationships and put yourself first….and much more!

90 day course

In The Sober Club you will get:

  • ‘Get the Buzz Without the Booze’ – 90 Day Online Course
  • Live monthly talks with me, and advice from leading health, wellbeing, and mindset experts.
  • Access to an exclusive Facebook community.
  • Mindset Buzz – Guided meditations, hypnosis audios and relaxation videos.
  • Nutrition and Fitness Buzz – Detox advice, recipes and exercises.

So many people find that once they have removed the Alcohol Obstacle they have a new perspective and want to increase their fitness, their mental wellbeing, set new goals and challenges. In the coming weeks we’ll bring you so many pieces of the Optimum Wellbeing ‘jigsaw’. There will be something for everyone whatever stage you are at. Its all about positivity and moving forward.

If this resonates with you The Sober Club has just opened up and there is not one but two special gifts if you sign up now, see below the hypnosis audio worth £9.99 courtesy of Ailsa Frank and an exclusive audio by Janey Lee Grace – How I stay motivated.  

To sign up go to




BONUS: Get a free hypnosis download when you join The Sober Club: Ailsa Frank’s De-Stress Your Life (worth £9.99)

I have been alcohol free for over a year and it is no longer part of my life, it feels almost as if I have forgotten about it sometimes (which is great but also a shame not to bask more in the achievement!)   I love the sober club because I get to celebrate everyday with my new “tribe” the amazing “joy” of being sober and gives me a platform (via the FB group) to interact, support, encourage others.   I’m so grateful for the new connection the sober club provides!


I’ve finally realized it’s not just about putting down the booze and staying sober, it’s so much more than that! It’s a mindset change, looking at everything as a whole, caring for both my physical and mental health.  The “Sober Club” website is FAB!! I am really enjoying working through the modules in the 90 Day course “Get the Buzz Without the Booze”. All Janey’s podcasts are there to listen to at any time, there is so much expert advice available on nutrition and fitness, and also some great tips on how to take care of, not just my body, but my mind too which I never had before.



CBD Oil with THC or without THC? What is the Best?

Do you really know your CBD oil?

There has been SO much written about CBD oil in recent months and in my latest Janey Loves Platinum Awards we introduced a new category as we had some entries from brands with CBD oil skincare, CBD oils and even CBD infused chocolate!  There is of course controversy though, especially around which is best, the CBD oil with THC (which we think of as giving the ‘high’) or without. I asked guest writer Helen Bell to explain for us:

Over the last five years we have seen a great amount of growth with the CBD oil industry. Consumer interest is continuing to climb on the back of several high profile celebrities throwing therefore weight behind the product. As such, long has there been a myths and legends surrounding the use of CBD oil, potential consumers who may well benefit from the use of CBD oil are put off by the notion that all CBD oils contain THC. 

Breaking up these myths surrounding THC and its inclusion within CBD products is partially what this article is about. In that manufacturers are recognising the need to produce CBD oil products that do not contain the psychoactive substance of THC. As for many employers there is still a stigma around the consumption of THC in the workplace. But what is THC and who does it produce this psychoactive effect?

What is THC?

THC otherwise known as tetrahydrocannabinol, is another chemical compound which makes up part of cannabis plant or industrial hemp. THC is psychoactive element of these plants which activate certain parts of the brain to affect pleasure, memory, perception and several other areas. 

This happens when the Cannabinoid receptors located in the brain come into contact with the THC which activates these receptors thus producing those associative effects that you come to expect from the consumption of THC. 

How Does THC Affect The Body?

As mentioned these Cannabinoid receptors activate in the brain and in turn trigger the release of dopamine. This creates euphoria in the user. Other areas of the brain such as the hippocampus are also affected. This gives users a harder time to process information as this is the area responsible for collecting and storing new memories that you form. 

Thus, many dislike the idea of losing some form of cognitive control over their bodies and as such refuse to consume or touch CBD oil than contains THC. 

Therefore having a range of products which cater to both markets is the most appropriate option for manufacturers. So we are seeing a widening range of products that contain only CBD oil and no THC for those who wish to benefit from the CBD without having to deal with the side effects associated with THC. 

But What Is Better CBD Oil with THC or CBD oil Without?

Well it is really down to personal preference, if you are someone who wishes to take CBD oil while at work we would suggest sticking to CBD oil which does not contain it.  THC free oils  it could keep you relatively cognitively focused meaning you can go about your day in the usual way.

However, if you are someone who enjoys the effects given by consumption of Marijuana then legal CBD oil with THC might be for you. With the psychoactive compound still present in the CBD oil it will give you that feeling of euphoria which is otherwise known as a ‘high’.

Watch My TEDx Talk!

I’m SO excited to share my TEDx talk with you ‘Sobriety Rocks’ from July 13th at TEDxNorwichED, Europe’s only full day TEDxED event.



I really hope you watch and enjoy as I share my experience of battling with the wine witch to find that I’m amazed that no-one told me before how freaking fantastic a life without the booze can be!


I’d love to share the message far and wide so please like it, add a comment and share!


Find me on Instagram @janeyleegrace


We are creating a special Flourish Platinum Awards pop-up shop at Hello Love to raise funds for the charity and give you the opportunity to buy some of the amazing awards entries!

9th to 15th September from 9am – 6pm

Closed Wednesday 11th September 10-2 for our private Janey Loves 2019 Platinum Awards winners event.

Join us for a week showcasing the most Non Toxic Healthcare brands of the moment. A week of sustainable & Organic Cosmetics, Makeup & Skincare.

Free from Parabens, Phthalate, SLS, Mineral Oils, Pesticides, Fertilisers & other Chemicals.

Some of the brands you can browse, sample and shop:

AEOS – ClockFace Beauty – Alteya Organics – Lucky Cloud – Scence – Inlight Beauty – Tabitha James Kraan – Silvan Skincare – Organically Epic – Steenbergs – Go Natural Organic Skincare – Pure and Light Organic Skincare – Wellbeing Bristol – Incognito – Soapy Skin – Rhythm of Beauty

The pop-up is taking place at The Hello Beautiful spiritual home which is situated at Hello Love, Bloomsbury. 62—64 Southampton Row, London.



Six Classic Interview Questions You Must Ask Yourself About Your Brand

I remember back 25 (ahem) years ago when I was training to be radio broadcaster, we were taught to always speak to ONE person…never say ‘all you out there!’ and when interviewing guests, we were taught the classic standard interview questions that all interviews are based on.  They are of course the 5 ‘W’s …and a H…






…and How?

Of course having worked in radio and TV as an interviewer for over 20 years and having interviewed thousands of people, I can honestly say that those words never come to mind and even if an interview was conducted using them as a framework, they wouldn’t be in that order. However, when teaching a ‘How to Market Yourself’ workshop recently I shared these words with the delegates to help them ensure that they are prepared to be a great interviewee.

There’s no doubt you need absolute clarity on:

Who you are (you are the brand!)

Why you do what you do – what’s the emotion behind your work?

What exactly do you do, what are your key messages?

Where is it happening? – geographical info if it’s an event, or online etc.

When? – if it’s a launch or date related event.

How do you work – how do you deliver your product / service?

So I’d urge you if you haven’t already, to do a practice run for if you’re asked those questions, prepare your answers and practice answering those questions (say it out loud, it’s muscle memory!) a few different ways so that you always sound spontaneous and not scripted.

Ask Yourself …

But here’s another use for these words, as I coached a client privately I realised that she was finding this preparation for being a great interviewee step tricky,  not because she hadn’t quite honed her key messages or got her tongue around how best to describe her ‘USP’, that’s quite normal, but it was because her business had grown organically, she had almost fallen into it by accident because she had a real passion for helping other people and so retrained as a coach but hadn’t ever done the business plan or mapped out the strategy.

It’s true for so many ‘heart centred’ businesses, we just find ourselves with our own business often by accident, clients get recommended and suddenly we’re off!  Sometimes it’s a while before we can take stock and recognise that we may have created something that wasn’t exactly what we wanted.

So I’d urge you in addition to having your answers ready for the media, to take a long hard look at those questions in relation to how you feel about your work and the way your business works.

Ask yourself


Who am I?  This can be a big one, in the case of my client she wasn’t altogether happy being visible as ‘the brand’, she was hoping to hide. Really be honest about whether you’re prepared to gain confidence and to put your head above the parapet and be seen. You can also ask the questions ‘Who are my ideal clients and what is it that I can assist them with? and ‘Who do my products or services best serve?’


Why do you do this work?  This is sometimes referred to as the ‘Why that makes you cry’, if you do have a heart centered business really be honest with yourself about this one, it’s unlikely you are doing it purely for money, but make sure that you aren’t blocking yourself from being financially abundant (often the case!)


What exactly is your USP? What is your business in a sentence and what’s your point of difference?


Where do you usually work, and where are your clients or customers? This should be an easy one!  Though if it’s currently one to one with clients, it might get you thinking how you could leverage your time and reach more people globally by offering Skype sessions, writing a book or creating an online programme.

In the words of the great Mark Zuckerberg – he apparently asked this before implementing any business idea – ‘Does this make us grow?’


When is it happening?  This question could help give you clarity on what you hope to achieve and by when, if you’re planning to write a book, even if its self-published – set yourself a deadline, it ensures you get cracking!  If you’re launching a new product or programme prepare your marketing schedule ahead of the launch date.


How does it all work together? Ask yourself how you will do it all? How do you access the help you need? Ask yourself ‘Is there something I still need to learn? Do I need more training, a partner or a joint venture?

Be willing to recognise you may need support, hey even Batman needed Robin! (not a spoiler for the new movie!)

Super Exciting Announcement Tedx

As an author, presenter and speaker I have always (like so many of the clients I’ve coached) wanted to do a TEDx talk. I applied right at the last minute on a whim really and I am thrilled to say I was selected from hundreds of applicants to be part of TEDxNorwichED. It’s Europe’s only full day TEDxED event.

I’m talking Saturday 13th July and I’m told tickets are likely to fly out of the door, they go on sale at 7.30pm tonight.

There is a Facebook live event tonight around 7.30pm to meet some of the speakers, I will join in of course and you’d be welcome to look in on their Facebook page @tedxnorwiched



untitled 2

And what am I talking about?

Well the title of my talk is ‘Sobriety Rocks’ – Who knew! I’m sure many of you have seen my posts, blogs and events I’m running such as next Monday’s ‘Selfcare for the Sober Curious’ event. I want to encourage people who know or suspect they might feel better physically and emotionally without alcohol in their lives, to recognize that there is a whole new world waiting. I really have been amazed to discover, ( to quote Catherine Gray’s bestselling book title) ‘The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober’.

Of course, I am passionate about holistic living so my take on it all is to inspire people towards mindful drinking or quitting and then focusing on good nutrition, ditching the toxins et al.

I’d love to see you there, or if not, of course you will be able to watch it live online.

Janey TEDX


Attract Clients on Instagram (How to!)

I Interviewed Inga Deksne recently, she’s a brilliant Instagram expert who can show you how to generate customers AND money using Instagram. I put to Inga a lot of questions that I know many of you have, some of you that currently use Instagram and also from those of you who are reluctant/fearful to get on board with it.


Are you a member of my Facebook group The Media Hub? – if you are not a member then come on over and take a look – it’s where I share and offer occasional press leads.


Instagram is an amazing way to promote your brand so do join my Facebook group for free and catch the video interview and Q&A to get some important tips.

Request to join here:


Inga’s course is a Masterclass for all things Instagram and right now you get it at just £97 – an incredible price. Here’s what it’s all about:


If you are a business owner who use or want to use Instagram for business you need to understand that growing number of following without solid foundation and strategy will be getting you numbers but not the results. The Instagram Success Habit Lab teaches you not only how to get followers but what you need to have in place if you want to bring customers and make sales from your Instagram activities.

It differs from any other courses because it teaches not just about how to use Instagram but how to integrate it into your day-to-day life so you can maintain a consistent presence.

Should you consider this course?

If everyone keeps telling you that you should be on Instagram but you feel that it is another chore for your busy day then this course will help you plan and organise your Instagram activities.

If your Instagram feed looks like a family photo album where you share your cute kids’ pictures or food you ate, they may get likes but they don’t bring customers, if you want to learn how to use Instagram for business then this course is for you.

If you feel confused what to post on your Instagram feed to attract new clients then this course will show you how to plan your content and how to behave on Instagram to attract new customers.

This course is NOT about how to get 10000 followers in 30 days, it’s about how to use Instagram as a profitable business tools. If the vanity metrics are important then this course is not for you. However, in May, we will be focusing on growing your followers at least to 1000 followers.

Special offer – if you join now you will also get additional live trainings and support in the group, it will be available only for the first 100 members for the first 100 days

Join us for Self-Care for the Sober Curious

Join us for another free event on Monday evening May 20th in London.

If you’ve decided to cut down or quit drinking or you are just ‘sober curious’ we run an event for you ‘Self Care for the Sober Curious’ is a free event in London hosted by the charity My Yard, there will be alcohol free drinks and vegan nibbles, and we’d love you to join us for this next one!

Happening Monday 20th May 7pm at The Jago in Dalston London.

Our special guest is Hypnotherapist and author of ‘Cut the Crap and Feel Amazing’ Ailsa Frank, and Dr Richard piper from Alcohol change U.K. and there be lots of time for Q&A.

It’s free (donations to the charity are welcome) but you do need to book via eventbrite using the link below


Follow me on instagram @janeyleegrace and the charity to find out about the next one.

See you there, if you have any questions let us know!