Visualize your success

Visualization Techniques to Affirm Your Desired Outcomes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Visualization techniques have been used by successful people to visualize their desired outcomes for ages. The practice has even given some high achievers what seems like super-powers, helping them create their dream lives by accomplishing one goal or task at a time with hyper focus and complete confidence.

visualization techniques used to focus on success near shoreline

In fact, we all have this awesome power, but most of us have never been taught to use it effectively.

Elite athletes use it. The super rich use it. And peak performers in all fields now use it. That power is called visualization.

The daily practice of visualizing your dreams as already complete can rapidly accelerate your achievement of those dreams, goals and ambitions.

Using visualization techniques to focus on your goals and desires accomplishes four very important things.

1.) It activates your creative subconscious which will start generating creative ideas to achieve your goal.

2.) It programs your brain to more readily perceive and recognize the resources you will need to achieve your dreams.

3.) It activates the law of attraction, thereby drawing into your life the people, resources, and circumstances you will need to achieve your goals.

4.) It builds your internal motivation to take the necessary actions to achieve your dreams.

Visualization is really quite simple. You sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine — in as vivid detail as you can — what you would be looking at if the dream you have were already realized. Imagine being inside of yourself, looking out through your eyes at the ideal result.

Visualize with the ‘Mental Rehearsal’ Technique

Athletes call this visualization process “mental rehearsal,” and they have been using it since the 1960s when we learned about it from the Russians.

All you have to do is set aside a few minutes a day. The best times are when you first wake up, after meditation or prayer, and right before you go to bed. These are the times you are most relaxed.

Go through the following three steps:

STEP 1. Imagine sitting in a movie theater, the lights dim, and then the movie starts. It is a movie of you doing perfectly whatever it is that you want to do better. See as much detail as you can create, including your clothing, the expression on your face, small body movements, the environment and any other people that might be around. Add in any sounds you would be hearing — traffic, music, other people talking, cheering. And finally, recreate in your body any feelings you think you would be experiencing as you engage in this activity.

STEP 2. Get out of your chair, walk up to the screen, open a door in the screen and enter into the movie. Now experience the whole thing again from inside of yourself, looking out through your eyes. This is called an “embodied image” rather than a “distant image.” It will deepen the impact of the experience. Again, see everything in vivid detail, hear the sounds you would hear, and feel the feelings you would feel.

STEP 3. Finally, walk back out of the screen that is still showing the picture of you performing perfectly, return to your seat in the theater, reach out and grab the screen and shrink it down to the size of a cracker. Then, bring this miniature screen up to your mouth, chew it up and swallow it. Imagine that each tiny piece — just like a hologram — contains the full picture of you performing well. Imagine all these little screens traveling down into your stomach and out through the bloodstream into every cell of your body. Then imagine that every cell of your body is lit up with a movie of you performing perfectly. It’s like one of those appliance store windows where 50 televisions are all tuned to the same channel.

When you have finished this process — it should take less than five minutes — you can open your eyes and go about your business. If you make this part of your daily routine, you will be amazed at how much improvement you will see in your life.

Create Goal Pictures

Another powerful visualization technique is to create a photograph or picture of yourself with your goal, as if it were already completed. If one of your goals is to own a new car, take your camera down to your local auto dealer and have a picture taken of yourself sitting behind the wheel of your dream car. If your goal is to visit Paris, find a picture or poster of the Eiffel Tower and cut out a picture of yourself and place it into the picture.

Create a Visual Picture and an Affirmation for Each Goal

We recommend that you find or create a picture of every aspect of your dream life. Create a picture or a visual representation for every goal you have — financial, career, recreation, new skills and abilities, things you want to purchase, and so on.

When we were writing the very first Chicken Soup for the Soul® book, we took a copy of the New York Times best seller list, scanned it into our computer, and using the same font as the newspaper, typed Chicken Soup for the Soul into the number one position in the “Paperback Advice, How-To and Miscellaneous” category. We printed several copies and hung them up around the office. Less than two years later, our book was the number one book in that category and stayed there for over a year. Now that’s a pretty solid example of a successful visualization technique!

You want to take your visualization to the next level, right?
Learn how to create an empowering vision board here!

Index Cards

We practice a similar discipline every day. We each have a list of about 30-40 goals we are currently working on. We write each goal on a 3×5 index card and keep those cards near our bed and take them with us when we travel. Each morning and each night we go through the stack of cards, one at a time, read the card, close our eyes, see the completion of that goal in its perfect desired state for about 15 seconds, open our eyes and repeat the process with the next card.

Use Affirmations to Support Your Visualization

An affirmation is a statement that evokes not only a picture, but the experience of already having what you want. Here’s an example of an affirmation:

I am happily vacationing 2 months out of the year in a tropical paradise, and working just four days a week owning my own business.

Repeating an affirmation several times a day keeps you focused on your goal, strengthens your motivation, and programs your subconscious by sending an order to your crew to do whatever it takes to make that goal happen.

Expect Results

Through writing down your goals, using the power of visualization and repeating your daily affirmations, you can achieve amazing results.

Visualization and affirmations allow you to change your beliefsassumptions, and opinions about the most important person in your life — YOU! They allow you to harness the 18 billion brain cells in your brain and get them all working in a singular and purposeful direction.

Your subconscious will become engaged in a process that transforms you forever. The process is invisible and doesn’t take a long time. It just happens over time, as long as you put in the time to visualize and affirm, practice your techniques, surround yourself with positive people, read uplifting books and listen to audio programs that flood your mind with positive, life-affirming messages.

Repeat your affirmations every morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking… woven into the very fabric of your being.

How to Spend the 10 Most Important Minutes of Your Day

Harness the Subconscious Mind with Visualization Techniques

Visualization – seeing the goal as already complete in your mind’s eye – is a core technique used by the world’s most successful people. Visualization is effective because it harnesses the power of our subconscious mind.

When we visualize goals as complete, it creates a conflict in our subconscious mind between what we are visualizing and what we currently have. Our minds are hard-wired to resolve such conflicts by working to create a current reality that matches the one we have envisioned.

Visualization activates the creative powers of the subconscious mind, motivating it to work harder at creating solutions. You’ll also notice new levels of motivation and find yourself doing things that normally you would avoid, but that will take you closer to success.

The third way visualization boosts success is by programming the Reticular Activating System (RAS), which serves as a mental filter for the 8 million bits of information that are streaming into our brains at any one time.

The RAS thinks in pictures, not words. Daily visualization feeds the RAS the pictures it needs to start filtering information differently. As a result, your RAS will start to pay attention to anything that might help you achieve your goals – information that it otherwise might ignore.

Live in the Moment

Although a daily practice of visualization is vital, we don’t need to spend all day thinking about our goals for this technique to work. In fact, spending too much time in visualization can rob you of something essential – living in the moment.

Daily rituals help to establish the right balance between thinking about the future and living in the moment. Start by picking a time during which you’ll review your goals and visualize your success. Ideally, do this twice a day – first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed. The process typically will take 10 minutes or less.

If you meditate, do your visualizations immediately after your meditation. The deepened state reached during meditation heightens the impact of visualization.

For greatest effect, read your goals or affirmations out loud. After each one, close your eyes and create the visual image of the completed goal in your mind.

To multiply the effects, add sound, smells, and tastes. Most importantly, add the emotions and bodily sensations you would be feeling if you had already achieved your goal.

This is a powerful visualization technique.

Research has revealed that images or scenes that are accompanied by intense emotion will stay locked in our memory forever. The more passion, excitement and energy we muster during visualization, the more powerful the results will be.

Once you have visualized each goal as complete, it’s time to release. Let go of your goals, and spend the rest of your day being in the present moment.

Be Present Instantly

An easy way to instantly become present is to focus on your bodily sensations. It’s impossible to focus on our bodies and be in the past or the future at the same time.

For example, focus on your left foot right now. What are you feeling? Pay attention to the sensation for a minute. Then notice what you’re feeling in your right foot, and spend a few moments really feeling the sensation. If you were able to pay attention to your feet, congratulations. You were absolutely present.

If you find your mind drifting to the future throughout the day, you can use one of the more basic visualization techniques. Just let go of any fears or worries that arise. Shift your thoughts to what you want the future to look like when you get there. Then bring your awareness back to the moment.

As the saying goes, “Today is a gift—that’s why it’s called the present.” Use visualization techniques to achieve your goals, but invest the majority of your time enjoying the gift of today.

This article is reproduced by permission – Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul® and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now

Want help to get clarity on your vision?

I’d love to help you get clarity on your USP- your vision and your dream so that you can really go after your goals!  Check out the testimonials and I look forward to working with you 

Rich or Poor..Scrooge or Bob Cratchit?

The headline in the Daily Mail was

So who’s more caring, Scrooge or Bob Cratchit?

A study by a Californian University looking at different types of happiness found that having more money makes us ‘proud, self-satisfied and self-oriented.  By comparison they found that those with little money, depicted in Scrooges’s Bob Cratchit, feel more loving, and are more compassionate.

The findings which were published in the journal Emotion, found that those who are worse off face more ‘threats’.  The study seems to suggest that people with less income seem to have found  a way to cope.

What the study doesn’t reveal is what happens when the person with the higher income embarks on an act of kindness, interestingly as in the very same Dickens tale, when the rich man suddenly experienced the joy of ‘giving’, it changed everything.

Kindness is good for you, its official, and according to scientists the person offering the act of kindness benefits even more than the recipient!

So the moral of the story is clear, Dickens or not, whether you have pots of money or are struggling to get by, it all really comes down to your attitude – and how much you are prepared to give to others.  What this survey also doesn’t address is that whether you are ‘rich’ whatever that means ..or ‘poor’ whatever that means….you may still have blocks and limiting beliefs around money which prevent you from reaching your full potential.  It’s far too simplistic to suggest that everyone who is wealthy is self centred and those who feel worse off are more loving.

Check out the work that Liz Hancock does, she is a ‘wealth entrepreneur and creator of The 50k formula, she can help you to overcome those issues and get the success and happiness that you deserve for your work.

Your life purpose according to Kyle Gray (It might surprise you…)

You may have seen the fabulous Kyle Gray on ITV’s Loose Women recently; Kyle is an angel expert with a difference. There’s nothing ‘pink’ fluffy’ or golden about Kyle, he is covered in tattoos, has a sharp wit, a taste for coffee and an alcoholic beverage on a weekend and he is incredibly successful as the ‘real deal’ for spirituality.

Kyle recognizes the need for truth and a desire to shed light upon some of the more complex spiritual subjects and with his internationally best-selling books and oracle card decks, he has become one of the most sought-after experts within his field.

The new book is called Light Warrior. Many people have used the term Light Worker and while the word ‘warrior’ might suggest a ‘fierce-ness’ and be aligned with ‘fighting’ what Kyle refers to is the power of spirit to overcome darkness, challenge and fear.

The book offers meditations, how to let your ‘shields’ down, how to protect yourself and having the courage to face fear.

One of the most fascinating bits of our interview was discussing life purpose. In the PR / media relations work that I do, I meet lots of people, often working part time as therapists and healers who really want to step into their ‘purpose’ and follow their dreams.  Many people feel they need clarity on what they really want, what they are good at and how they will spend the rest of their lives. I love reminding people of Wayne Dyer’s quote – “Don’t die with the music still in you

Kyle puts a different spin on this, and says our career is not our life purpose, it can contribute to it but according to A Course in Miracles, our life purpose is salvation, forgiveness and happiness.  Kyle points out that you don’t need to find your dream job to fulfill your life purpose, he reminds us that sometimes we have spent so much time stressing over the ‘divine’ life purpose that we have forgotten to be happy along the way.

Is that you? Are you forgetting to have fun? Guilty as charged your honour! …(sometimes)  I fess up, I am constantly striving to ensure my kids are thriving, my income is increasing, my clients are satisfied and my family are supported…the list goes on…There are times when I forget about self-care. 

I’m going to take a leaf out of Kyle’s book, he turns down more TV and press opportunities than he accepts, (much to the annoyance of his publicist I’m sure) and he values highly his relationships with his friends and family.  I’m not about to stop o helping people shine a spotlight on their unique brilliance, but I can remember to be happy.

Here’s Kyle’s Happiness Prayer…

Thank you universe and angels, for removing the pressure I have allowed to stand between me and happiness. Today I choose to take the weight of the world off my shoulders so I can unite with my greatness. 

And so it is.

Light Warrior  – Connecting with the Spiritual Power of Fierce Love by Kyle Gray is published by Hay House

Are you a peaceful warrior?

Are you peaceful? Are you also a warrior?  Apparantly the two words can sit together despite seeming contradictory. Dan Millman is a former world champion gymnast, coach, martial arts teacher and college professor, and he is author of 17 books published in 29 languages and shared across generations to millions of readers. His classic work, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, was adapted to film in 2006. its been a bestseller for over 36 years, sold more than 3 million copies. Dan speaks worldwide to people from all walks of life.  I was lucky enough to interview Dan for Hay House Radio and was struck by his down to earth approach and ‘easy to implement’suggestions  He is passionate about helping people move towards accelerating change, transcending the daily news, feeling less anxious and re-aligning through the ever constant present.  Dan believes we are all peaceful warriors – striving to live with a peaceful heart.  He believes we should look to peace, but we also need a warriors spirit to live as our wisest selves.

Dan’s book isn’t a memoir, he rather uniquely blends fiction and autobiography.

Dan’s new book The Hidden School reveals a book within a book, a quest within a quest and a bridge between worlds. Dan Millman takes readers on an epic spiritual quest across the world as he searches for the link between everyday life and transcendent possibility.

Continuing his journey from Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan moves from Honolulu to the Mojave Desert, and from a bustling Asian city to a secluded forest, until he uncovers the mystery of The Hidden School.  While traversing continents, he uncovers lessons of life hidden in plain sight – insights pointing the way to an inspired life in the eternal present.

Along the way, you encounter remarkable characters and brushes with mortality as you explore the nature of reality, the self, death and finally, a secret as ancient as the roots of this world.  Awaken to the hidden powers of paradox, humour and change.  You may discover a vision that may forever change your perspectives about life’s promise and potential.  Dan is very realistic, he makes a rather controversial statement saying that he doesn’t believe we should be grateful, courageous, happy…  he believes that we should just ‘behave’ that way, he points out that its not possible to determine if we have courage unless we have to face fear, it’s not so much about ‘trying’ to be grateful et al, it’s just getting on with it.  I shared with him my fave phrase ‘You don’t have to get it right, you DO have to get it going and he loved that.

I asked Dan about his relationship with meditation, it can feel so difficult in our busy find time for stillness, to properly still the mind.  Dan made me howl with laughter when he said, ‘People ask me about my meditation practice and I tell them, I absolutely meditate every day….for at least 4 seconds!   What he means is its not essential to sit cross-legged for thirty minutes, those moments of ‘thinking nothing’ can be valuable,

With The Hidden School you can go on a spiritual quest, along with Dan, and look at how we can live our most rewarding enriching life.


AuthorCraft – Join Me At The Professional Network for Authors – March 28th Event

AuthorCraft is the Professional Network for Authors, writers, public speakers, experts and trainers. I’m delighted to be speaking in their line up of great authors at the upcoming event on March 28th in London.

You are invited to join us and all new authors are welcome, first time visitors are offered free admission.



Admission is  ticket only, go here for all details and to secure your ticket NOW>>


The Things You Can See Only When you Slow Down

I am so lucky to work on BBC Radio 2, we get to interview some amazing people and its so varied, in recent weeks we have interviewed top Hollywood celebs, pop stars, sports pundits, leading authors …oh and one of my faves..a Zen Buddhist monk.

monk-img_0033Haemin Sunim is one of the most influential Zen Buddhist teachers and writers in South Korea, where his books have sold more than three million copies and are popular as guides not only to mediation but also to overcoming the challenges of everyday life. The book came about because he was often asked for advice on dealing with the challenges of life, he started to share his wisdom with a wider audience using social media (he has 1.2 million Twitter followers) and embracing his nickname The Healing Mentor he has produced this beautifully illustrated, guide to mindfulness, Haemin Sunim, offering spiritual advice on everything from handling setbacks at work to dealing with love and relationships.

Speaking directly to the anxieties that have become part of modern life, Haemin Sunim’s simple, compassionate teachings transcend religion, borders and ages, and serve as a calming reminder of the strength and joy that come from slowing down.  The chapters are Rest, Mindfulness, Passion, Relationships, Spirituality, Love, Life and the Future.  The illustrations, often simple but striking are by korean artist Youngcheol Lee

‘The world moves fast, but that doesn’t mean we have to’ is the key message and when we asked him ..What about someone who has lots of commitments, is rushing around and doesn’t have the time to stop, to meditate et al, his answer was “Have you got 10 seconds?”  (yes) ” Then just smile”

Its great advice written simply and with gentle humour, I love the fact that the book is very dipp-inable

As I was writing an article in connection with my book You are The Brand, I opened up a page in the Love chapter where it said

You are Beautiful

not because you are better than others

but because there is only you who can smile like that

may you fall in love with your unique self

…..I couldn’t have put it better myself.

The Things You Can See Only When you Slow Down by Haemin Sunim is out now published by Penguin in hardback


Behind the Brand – Meet Susan from TMC Ventures Europe

Behind the Brand

It’s the turn of Susan Warris-Liepa from TMC Ventures Europe, along with her husband Arnie Liepa, they have built an international distribution and marketing company and they are the exclusive distributors of the Enzymedica Digestive Enzyme brand in the UK and Ireland.

Tell us about yourself and your company…

Like many family owned businesses, my husband and I started our boutique distribution and marketing company because we couldn’t find “good-enough” health product for our needs.

We moved to the States about 20 years ago, and got introduced to a very talented integrative doctor, who used plant-based supplements, particularly digestive enzymes, as part of the repair and healing process for the body. I’ve always been a healthy eater and a fan of natural and organic products, yet had no idea back then as to the wide range of health benefits that digestive enzymes can bring.

As I was in my early 30’s and began to have more digestive issues when eating my favourite foods such as bread, pastry and pasta.  After a pancake brunch, I would need to lie down and take a morning nap. I began to bloat around the belly whenever I had eaten, and found myself drawn to elastic waists and lycra leggings!  It became clear that I was sensitive to wheat and I already knew from a younger age that I had a sensitivity to cheese and milk. The introduction to digestive enzyme supplements was very timely.

When I realized what a difference it made to me personally, to take an enzyme supplement with each meal, I also learnt to cut back on foods that contained gluten or dairy.  I was feeling happier and my belly was much happier. My husband also started to take supplemental enzymes and we saw positive changes in his digestive health – no more acid reflux and not as much bloating after a big meal.

Having experienced the benefits of digestive enzymes first hand we started to research and learn more about them. It was fascinating to learn how vital enzymes are for every chemical reaction that takes place in the body, and as we only have a finite amount of digestive enzymes, it is really important to supplement them to support our health as we age

You may remember from school biology lessons that proteases, amylases and lipases are all forms of digestive enzymes and help the body digest food and assimilate nutrients from proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and plant fibres. Our body needs enzymes to function properly. Not only do we need them for healthy digestion, but we also need them to live as without them we wouldn’t be able to breathe, swallow, drink, eat and digest our food.  Enzymes truly are “the spark of life”.

What had also begun to happen at the same time, was that on my visits home to England I was packing different supplements and increasing amounts of enzyme products to help our family members with various health issues.  Living in the States back then we had access to so many great products that the family couldn’t buy in the UK.

The family used to joke that my suitcase was like a travelling health food store!  As well as helping our own family members with health issues we started getting requests from friends and their family members for nutritional help.  The most common requests were for “something natural to help with my indigestion” and “one of your products that makes me feel better after I’ve eaten”. The more we read and researched the more drawn we were to digestive and therapeutic enzymes as a very natural way to help the body with many different health issues.

What exactly are digestive enzymes?

 Enzymes are complex protein molecules that are manufactured by all plant and animal cells.

Enzymes are some of the most valuable “tools” within our body. We like to refer to digestive enzymes as being like “a pair of scissors” that cut the protein chains of all foods we eat, enabling the nutritional elements to become small enough to be absorbed effectively by the cells of the body.

According to Dr. Edward Howell, pioneer of Enzyme Therapy, “Enzymes are substances that make life possible. They are needed for every chemical reaction that takes place in the human body. Without enzymes, no activity at all would take place. Neither vitamins, minerals, nor hormones can do any work without enzymes”.

We know that good health starts with proper digestion and good digestion relies on the right enzymes in the right amounts being at the right place and time.  As we age we become more challenged by various forms of stress, environmental pollution, chemicals, and our emotional issues. These deplete our body’s natural ability to make enough enzymes to meet the demands of daily life.

In addition, enzymes assist in all chemical reactions taking place in our body; including the regeneration of cells/tissues and the elimination of waste products/toxins as well as supporting our immune system. In short, enzymes make things happen!

How did you get started as the exclusive UK and Irish distributor for Enzymedica?

Digestive enzymes are probably one of the least understood yet most beneficial health food supplements available.  They can make such a positive health change in so many people’s lives, whether adults or children.  It was an irresistible opportunity to be able to bring the highest quality digestive enzyme supplements to the UK.

 We’d been introduced to the Enzymedica brand of digestive enzymes after listening to a presentation by Tom Bohager, the founder of Enzymedica.  Once we tried this brand ourselves (and with our family members in England) we knew this was a far better product than others we had used.  The Enzymedica brand simply wasn’t available in the UK, so my husband picked up the phone and connected with their International Sales Director.  The rest is history………

What were you doing in a previous life?

I studied Food Marketing Sciences at university, and my first corporate role was in the Head Office of one of the UK’s largest supermarkets. My role was product and brand marketing in the food division, so I learnt a wealth of business skills that help me today.  After relocating with my husband’s company to America, I decided to leave the corporate world and follow my passion –  to help people with their health and wellness – initially training to become a clinical reflexologist.

Overtime I opened my own health studio and brought together a team of practitioners, providing a range of integrative health services. This, combined with learning from doctors and health practitioners in the integrative health field led me to an increasing awareness and understanding of using natural, healthy supplements to support my own health.  As I became healthier myself I started to share my knowledge with my friends, family and clients.

My husband has a wealth of business experience in international sales and operations, working with manufacturers, distributors and re-sellers worldwide. So, together our skill sets are very complimentary for our work today.

Why natural?

I come from a family of keen gardeners.  My parents and grandparents both owned allotment plots when I was a child, so I grew up with the taste of fresh, seasonal and locally grown produce. So as far as I’m concerned working with natural products is the only way to go. I’m very interested in health and nutrition, and as a clinical reflexologist I’ve been working with natural health treatments for a long time. There are far too many chemicals and pollutants in today’s world, and so many health problems that are created by eating unhealthy, processed foods.  If I can bring natural, healthy supplements to the UK market place, that help people with their health, then I feel that I’m doing something extremely worthwhile.

What’s your USP? What sets you apart from your competitors?

From a TMC Ventures company perspective I believe that we have four key elements that sets us apart:

Our Partners – our supplier partners are carefully selected using our key quality/ efficacy/ trust/relationship criteria that we have developed over the years of working closely with American manufacturers.  We become the exclusive distributor to the brands that we choose to work with, providing them with a unique UK/European presence.  The name TMC Ventures is not known by the consumer, as they just see Enzymedica UK.

Enzyme Education – Enzymedica, as a company, places a high value on education, which fits very well with our belief that education is key and knowledge has the power to change lives.

Our goal of educating people about the importance of enzymes in overall health keeps us motivated every day.

Our Product Portfolio – we only supply “Best in Class” nutritional products, that are differentiated from anything else in the UK market place.  There is nothing else available in the UK like the Enzymedica digestive enzyme supplements. The Enzymedica products are anywhere from 5 to 20 times higher in efficacy than any other enzyme supplement available on the retail shelf. This makes Enzymedica supplements by far the best value in terms of price per capsule. Enzymedica has won over 50 awards in the last decade (awards from both retailers and consumers alike). Enzymedica continues to be the best selling digestive enzyme brand in the USA (as measured by SPINS a 3rd party market research company)

Our Customer Service – we are a family owned/run company and we work hard at doing our very best in caring for our customers.  We treat our customers like we want to be treated and have built some wonderful relationships & friendships. We stand behind the Enzymedica brand and offer a 100% money back guarantee.

From an Enzymedica perspective they have many great points that set them apart from other enzyme supplement companies:

Enzymedica are known as The Enzyme Experts. Creating proprietary blends of high quality enzymes – nothing else out there like these enzyme products.  Highest potency products, 5 – 20 times the effectiveness of any other enzyme brands.

Unique technology called Therablend™ – multiple blends of enzymes that work at all Ph’s and all temperatures in the body.

Most manufacturers use just single strains of enzymes, i.e. a single strain of protease, or a single strain of lipase. Each enzyme strain only works at a very specific pH and temperature. Enzymedica uses their unique Therablend™ technology, to include enzyme strains that work at every pH and temperature in the human body. This allows them to works 3 x stronger and 6 x faster than other enzyme products. So, due to this blending technology Enzymedica is always the best value for money (amount of enzyme activity per capsule).

Vegetarian, Vegan and Kosher ingredients – no fillers, flow agents or excipients.

Award winning company –  In the past decade, Enzymedica has received more than 50 industy awards including multiple Better Nutrition Magazine’s People’s Choice Awards, many Best of Supplements Awards and numerous VITY and Nexty Awards.

Green initiatives at point of manufacture – As responsible members of the business community, we desire to leave the environment better than we found it. At Enzymedica, we understand that there is an emissions footprint associated with our business operations. We partnered with Green Mountain Energy Company to take a leadership role in calculating and offsetting 100% of the total calculated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with our annual electricity, corporate owned vehicles and corporate air travel. Through this process, Enzymedica is taking responsibility for its share of CO2 emissions and has committed to being part of the solution to global warming.  By means of these initiatives, Enzymedica’s business operations since 2009 have been “carbon neutral.”

  • Corporate Facility Improvements and Responsible Commitments in Day-to-Day Operation:
  • 113 solar panels to reduce C02 emissions and conserve thousands of kilowatts of energy each month
  • “Carbon Neutral” Certified by Green Mountain Energy, with continual offset of carbon footprint including facility, vehicle and air travel emissions
  • Solar block shades installed in all office windows
  • Low energy fluorescent lights throughout the facility
  • Facility built using all recycled steel
  • Volatile organic chemical (VOC) -free paints, drywall and carpet
  • Motion detection lights throughout the building hallways, offices and restrooms
  • Virtual IT servers to save in electric usage
  • Recycled paper used for packing and shipping
  • Green Seal Certified® and environmentally friendly cleaning agents used

Community Support and Educational Outreach – In 2009, the Enzymedica Founder, Tom Bohager, founded The Autism Hope Alliance (AHA).  See

The Autism Hope Alliance embodies hope for families facing the diagnosis of Autism through education, financial support and volunteerism.

  • The Autism Hope Alliance is the first non-profit foundation for Autism to emerge from the natural foods industry.
  • Providing Hope and Help for Autism Families

Annual sponsor of several other noted non-profits within the autism community, including Generation Rescue, Talk About Curing Autism (TACA), and AutismOne. Enzymedica also donates to Vitamin Angels, which provides vital nutrition to individuals and families in need.

(Scientific research has discovered beneficial links in using digestive enzymes to help re-balance the gut-brain connection.)

What kind of feedback have you received from customers?

We have a rather unique situation in that choosing to create an international Distribution & Marketing company we have two sets of customers; our wholesalers and retailers (mainly independent health food stores) and a growing base of end-user customers, who purchase direct from our web-site

Customers love the Enzymedica products. Once they try them and get a positive health benefit we get plenty of repeat purchases and customer referrals.

We get to hear customer stories on a regular basis, and to know that the Enzymedica supplements are making a positive difference in someone’s health is extremely rewarding.

It’s not just the adults with their digestive health problems; indigestion, acid reflux, wind and stomach cramping; it’s hearing about a child’s health that has improved dramatically after taking an Enzymedica product.  Those customer stories are so heart-warming.

What’s the next big launch / project coming up for you?

At the beginning of April, we’re introducing two new Enzymedica products, BeanAssist™ and LypoGold™, at the Natural and Organic Products Expo.  This show is the UK’s biggest trade show for buyers from health food stores. We also get to meet nutritionists, dieticians and pharmacists – it’s a great event for the British natural health industry.

What’s your big dream?

To have digestive enzymes as well-known as vitamins and minerals. Through education, to help the British public gain awareness and understanding about the critical importance of digestive enzymes. Increasing the understanding that enzymes are essential for the long- term health of everyone that eats cooked and processed foods, and how Enzymedica is a truly best-in-class product, that makes a real difference to our digestive health.

To spread the educational word about the benefits and value of taking digestive enzymes on a daily basis. To have Enzymedica enzymes be a first-choice purchase, when people are looking for a natural alternative for health issues like indigestion, bloating after meals, digestive health problems and food intolerance issues. To know that even more people are finding digestive comfort by using the Enzymedica products.

 Where can we find your products?  Independent Health food stores, all Revital Health Food stores and select Whole Foods Stores stock the retail range of Enzymedica supplements.  Other Enzymedica supplements can be found at





Award entry guidelines for Therapists & Coaches


We are excited that it’s AWARDS time of year again.  We are pleased that Medichecks are our premier sponsor this year as we believe it is so important to take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.

Here’s where you can see our judges line-up and some general info

We introduced the Therapist and Coaches category because we so wanted to recognise the work of the great holistic therapists and coaches in the UK.

Of course our judges can’t visit everyone for a treatment or a session (sadly) so we will be relying on what we see from your marketing and importantly your testimonials, if you are entering this category, please provide us with as much detailed information about the work you do, and also some recent testimonials, case studies for your work.

We had a great response in this category last year and look forward to this year’s entries!

We encourage you to get your fans and clients voting for you – readers votes go into the mix too!


Introducing the ‘New for 2016’ Awards

We’re excited to be launching entries for our ‘New for 2016’ awards. For new flagship products launched between July 2015 and March 2016 and you can enter up to three individual products.
Please complete your entries and fill in the form asap!
Products must arrive with us before January 10th 2016.

We look forward to receiving your entries soon!

The Heart of The Matter

In my work helping experts, coaches and authors to get clarity on their uniqueness and their key message I realised that I need to offer clarity on my own USP which is that I work with heart centred businesses or entrepreneurs.

A very practical colleague who prides himself on not having any of that hippy dippy woo woo stuff asked me – what’s a heart centred business? Don’t you just mean someone who enjoys running their business, doesn’t everyone, especially if it’s successful and they earn money?

I had to think about it, I realised I couldn’t help anyone who didn’t love their work, I wouldn’t be able to help anyone to stand in the spotlight and share their key messages if they weren’t passionate about it, I asked myself If someone enjoyed earning a good pay packet from running online gambling websites would that tick the heart centred businesses box?

Not for me, unless time stood still for them when they were absorbed in their work and they felt called to do it on some level, (and it was genuinely for the greater good), I’d question whether they had found their purpose, whether they were doing the work they were really born to do.

For me being heart centred when it links to your work means being connected to who you are and why you are here to share your message, whether that’s by way of your product, service or talent.

I attended a wonderful matrix re-imprinting course – yes the room was full of heart centred practitioners – and the founder of the work Karl Dawson told us about the importance of the heart, not just our emotions, the physical organ. He pointed us to extensive research on its powers reminding us that scientists say it picks up on thoughts, events, actions, even before they happen, it operates in quantum time.

To begin with this can seem far-fetched, surely when we think of a heart we just see lovely cute Valentine’s day images, it signifies romantic love or love for a child or an animal, but there are negative images attached too, we also know that a high proportion of people have heart disease, heart failure, heart attacks, we worry about cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and stress and when its linked to our emotional state, we talk of a broken heart, we recognise that our heart can expand to an even great capacity than we thought possible (enough to love subsequent children as much as the firstborn)

Heart Moniter

Most of us acknowledge the importance of our brain but sometimes don’t recognise that the heart is Emperor within the mind / body system, it’s the first port if call to receive the ‘energy’ of anything, it communicates this to the brain, the brain signals to the body to tell it what to do, and then we have a conscious realisation – oh I’m feeling scared…need to run, I’m feeling upset, my ears will fill with tears, I will cry.

Of course all of this all happens automatically but as we all well know it’s going on constantly and the more negative the emotions the more stressed we become. Many people live in a constant state of stress, the adrenaline is high, they are ready to fight or flee – but there isn’t really a tiger there – it’s just that the bus is late, or the delivery hasn’t been despatched, or we didn’t get chosen to participate in something we had worked hard for, but we don’t fight, and we don’t run either (interestingly that’s why if we do physical exercise it can be brilliant for relieving stress) usually the stress is internalised.

Karl also made us aware of the work of the US Heartmath organisation. HeartMath was founded by Doc Childre in 1991 to help individuals, organizations and the global community incorporate the heart’s intelligence into their day-to-day experience of life. They connect heart and science in ways that empower people to greatly reduce stress, build resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making better choices.

Surgeons have reported that they have given heart transplants to patients who when recovered, take on the characteristics of the donor.


The film Heartless portrays Angus Deayton as a straight laced divorce lawyer who has a heart transplant after a sudden heart attack, acting on a new impulse he gets an urge to buy a leather jacket and motorbike and takes off to the wilds of Scotland, there he decides to stay in a B&B, sees a photo on the mantelpiece of a guy on a motorbike, it transpires it’s the owners husband who died in an accident and donated his heart – to Angus’ character – its fictitious – yet according to some surgeons plausible.

What can we do with this kind of information? Well quite a lot it seems, Heartmath have made popular a simple breathing technique that could transform our lives, from the school room to the workplace to our personal relationships and could probably massively reduce the burden on the NHS with anxiety and stress related illnesses.

We watched Karl via the internet link up his heartrate to a monitor on the Heartmath site, we saw his starting heart rate graph, fluctuating between 90 and 50 bpm, the graph showed a chaotic jagged line, then he did the simple Heartmath exercise, with his hand on his heart he took 6 slow breaths in and out, then he consciously thought of something positive, a time when he felt great, a place where he wanted to be, someone he loved deeply, within seconds his heart rate had stabilised and the graph become a gently flowing wave – no more jagged rises or dips – it was extraordinary.

This is what athletes call being ‘in the zone’ – others call this state being in flow…it’s a state of high coherence bringing the brain in sync with the heart. In Ireland it’s used widely in schools, some forward thinking teachers are using it in UK schools too, can you begin to imagine how different everyone’s day might look if it became standardised?

Ask yourself – are you heart centred? You may decide to spin the word around and feel centred at your heart space, try the simple Heartmath technique before the next potentially stressful thing you know you need to do…and check in with it to ensure that you are on course with the decisions you make for your work and your business …..Let me know how you get on.