Rich or Poor..Scrooge or Bob Cratchit?

The headline in the Daily Mail was

So who’s more caring, Scrooge or Bob Cratchit?

A study by a Californian University looking at different types of happiness found that having more money makes us ‘proud, self-satisfied and self-oriented.  By comparison they found that those with little money, depicted in Scrooges’s Bob Cratchit, feel more loving, and are more compassionate.

The findings which were published in the journal Emotion, found that those who are worse off face more ‘threats’.  The study seems to suggest that people with less income seem to have found  a way to cope.

What the study doesn’t reveal is what happens when the person with the higher income embarks on an act of kindness, interestingly as in the very same Dickens tale, when the rich man suddenly experienced the joy of ‘giving’, it changed everything.

Kindness is good for you, its official, and according to scientists the person offering the act of kindness benefits even more than the recipient!

So the moral of the story is clear, Dickens or not, whether you have pots of money or are struggling to get by, it all really comes down to your attitude – and how much you are prepared to give to others.  What this survey also doesn’t address is that whether you are ‘rich’ whatever that means ..or ‘poor’ whatever that means….you may still have blocks and limiting beliefs around money which prevent you from reaching your full potential.  It’s far too simplistic to suggest that everyone who is wealthy is self centred and those who feel worse off are more loving.

Check out the work that Liz Hancock does, she is a ‘wealth entrepreneur and creator of The 50k formula, she can help you to overcome those issues and get the success and happiness that you deserve for your work.