Time for Change?

Time for change? Family constellations is certainly not conventional but it is powerful and I believe it transformed my life, so much so that I trained as a Family Constellations practitioner and I’m hosting my next event on Sunday 23rd January and I would love you to join me.

If your past is affecting your present, Family Constellations could be the answer to discovering why you feel stuck in an area of your life.

It was devised by German Psychotherapist Bert Hellinger who realised that events that are traumatic such as abuse, abortion, early/violent death, and miscarriage, can ripple down through generations and manifest in a range of psychological and physical illness that can have a far reaching impact on your daily life and choices.

Even mild ‘adverse child experiences’ have a negative impact on health and wellbeing in adulthood. In the original ACE study, those who scored 4 or more were 7 times more likely to be an alcoholic, 10 times more likely to have injected drugs, and more likely to experience depression and relationship breakups. 

If you are ready to make positive changes, absolutely no experience is necessary to join, but rather an open mind and a willingness to participate, and it’s not ‘acting’ or psychodrama, but it can be profound.

We will start the day with an interview with Rafe Nauen, a leading expert in adverse childhood experiences, trauma work and family constellations. There will be time for Q and A, and then we will do some constellations. As this is a one price event we won’t be pre-booking the ‘issues’ so everyone will be invited to be a participant, a ‘representative’, and some will experience their own ‘constellation’. Many people find it benefits them hugely just to witness constellations, they can be very powerful. It has been described as ‘Homeopathy for the soul’.


Kings Langley Hertfordshire – 25 mins by train from London Euston, Close to Junction 7 M1 or Junc 20 M25

This weeks Alcohol Free Life podcast features an interview with Rafe Nauen Trauma and family constellations expert, who I am co-hosting this event with. Listen to the interview here.